Comparison Traps

Comparison Traps


There are so many online resources offering advice on career, life, blogging, family and how to be your best self. Now, I love learning as much as the next person, but this sea of information can become incredibly overwhelming. If you read the wrong article, at the wrong time, you can start to question your value and worth.

Is all this information creating a comparison trap?

We compare ourselves to gurus who appear to have it all together or have succeeded in areas where we perceive to have some sort of lack. My Pinterest boards and Pocket app are full of articles and tips I've read in hopes of figuring out their magic.

What's the secret? What am I missing? These questions cause me to spin into an Alice in Wonderland style comparison trap. You know, when you fall deep into the rabbit hole of comparison, perfectionism and self loathing.  Nice trifecta huh?

Just like everyone else, I want to be successful. I tend to beat myself for failing to achieve my goals. You see, I want to live a comfortable life; one where I endure less worries about finances. I blog and side hustle so I can create that lifestyle for myself and family. Falling into the comparison trap has taught me that in order for me to successfully achieve my goals I must rethink my approach.

Step 1 - Appreciate where I am in my life.

Step 2 - Respect the fact that everyone takes a different path to success. 

Step 3 - Quit measuring my life against the lives of others. 

Comparing my life, successes or failures to others will only drag me deeper into the rabbit hole. And I don't have time for that. Achieving success on my terms is the only way to create the life I've dreamed off.

Do you find yourself susceptible to comparison traps? How do you pull yourself out?

Image from Rekita Nicole Design

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