Miss Kwame Seventy-Six

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4 Things I Learned By 40

Today is my 40th birthday! It's a milestone birthday or so I've been told. In honor of my 40th year on the planet, I'd like to share with you a few things I've learned along the way. 

  1. Fulfillment cannot be obtained from just one area of your life. I thought work was supposed to complete me; fill me up. Provide me with purpose and meaning. When it didn't, that realization sent me reeling. What I've since discovered is that there any many things that make me who I am. Work is only a small part of me. Putting all my focus on one aspect of my life will only prevent me from finding joy in the others. 
  2.  Perfection is the thief of joy. Striving to be the perfect mom, child, sibling, friend or significant other can leave you feeling worthless when you don't measure up. Perfection is unattainable, an illusion. Be present, thankful and grateful for what you have. Don't let the quest for the fools gold of perfection, steal your joy. 
  3.  Shit happens. Get over it! Sometimes things don't work out...relationships, situationships, work, whatever. This doesn't make you a failure. One of my favorite lessons from Gabrielle Bernstein's "Spirit Junkie" is relationships are assignment. We are put in situations with people to learn specific lessons. Thank the universe for taking the time to teach you said lesson and move on. This lesson finally hit me just last week. 
  4.  Find your own way. I'm the sort of person who loves reading, writing and discussing thoughts and ideology. This boardens my mind and perspective. While I love this aspect of me and I won't try to change it, I also realized that it leads me to analysis paralysis. Who's right? What's the wrong thing to do? It's great to read and solicit advice but it's more important to find your own way. Discover the truths of life by experiencing it for yourself. 

Thanks for stopping by and spending a few moments of my birthday with me. What's the greatest lesson you've learned? 

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