Miss Kwame Seventy-Six

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Netflix & Pajamas - Earth Day Edition

Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place. -Scott Peters

I'm ashamed of myself. For over thirty years I have lived in a fog; focused only on myself - my wants and needs not thinking about how my selfishness and lack of empathy has affected the Earth and the world in which I live. Sure I recycle, I don't litter and I do by best to never waste water but I never thought about how I could do more to contribute to the protection of the earth. 

Some may think the government is to blame for our agricultural and environmental issues, but I submit that our lack of interest in the process and our failure to see past our own desire for happiness has hurt the earth more than any governmental legislation.  

Since becoming a vegan, my heart, mind and consciousness have been awakened. I've become acutely aware that the environment and its inhabitants aren't for me to use and abuse as I see fit. I've been binge watching documentaries on Netflix, researching on the internet and reading voraciously because I have this hunger to learn more about issues that I've previously turned a blind eye to.  

I don't have the answers to these issues but I think awareness and acknowledgement are the first steps to creating change in the world. 

Consumers, customers, whatever we want to call ourselves, we have the power to make change in the economy, environment and world. How you may ask? With our money! Money is only the language respected by businesses, politicians and their counterparts. 

Here are three documentaries that awakened my consciousness and opened my eyes to what's really going on in the world. 

  1. True Cost - It's tell the story of the environmental impact fast fashion has on the environment at large, garment factory workers as well as the devastating ways the toxic waste produced by the fashion industry has affected the local way of life with increased sicknesses and birth defects. This documentary caused me to question if the $9 shirt or $20 jeans is really worth it? What am I really endorsing every time I purchase low cost clothing? 
  2. Cowspiracy - I learned that animal agriculture is the number one industry adversely affecting the environment. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. This documentary and images of animal suffering convinced me to stop eating meat. I can't contribute to this problem. 
  3. Forks Over Knives - The most understated and compelling documentary I've ever watched. It convincingly teaches us how a plant based diet can reverse the effects of most ailments including diabetes and heart disease. The most interesting part of the documentary are the results of The China Study which shows the direct correlation between meat eating communities and increased incidences of cancer. Mind blowing!

Other notable mentions include Food Inc., Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Vegucated. I've watched all of these documentaries and the more I watch, the more it strengthens my resolve to continue my protest by not eating any foods made with animal products.  

All of these documentaries are available on Netflix. Hope you choose to honor the Earth by watching one of these films and by implementing the lessons you learn. 

Happy Earth Day!