Miss Kwame Seventy-Six

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Dealing With Uncertainty

I haven't posted in a couple days because I've been in a bit of a funk. As I've previously mentioned on the blog, I was recently laid off. I thought I would be okay with being home, job searching and binge watching Netflix but I'm not.  

I miss having a day job...shocking, I know!

I haven't found any real job prospects in the almost four weeks I've been unemployed; this has caused me to second guess some of my decisions. I'm not terribly concerned with money right now because I'll be fine for a couple months, but I don't like the uncertainty of unemployment. Truthfully, I've never been good with uncertainty. I need to know what's going to happen. I need to know if I'm making the right decisions and I'm at a point in my life where that is definitely unclear. That's a scary place to be, especially as a single parent.

To combat my internal mortal terror, I decided to take action. I don't really have time to spiral into depression, give into my anxieties or have a nervous breakdown. Although, I think I could use a breakdown right now. I've decided to step into my discomfort. Maybe that's the lesson in this experience.

Below are a few action oriented goals I've decided to do to preserve my sanity:

  • Improve my interview and public speaking skills by appearing on 3-4 podcasts this year. I was recently interviewed by Beryl Ayn Young of the Recapture Self podcast; we discussed my experience of being a single mom, creative and vegan; and how these three elements have shaped my life and outlook. You can listen to the episode here. I've listened to it about five times already. Beryl Ayn and I had an awesome conversation
  • Take online courses for a leadership and management specialization certification through CourseraI'm taking the course because I figured if I'm not working the least I can do is brush up on my skills. When I find a job, hopefully it'll feel like I never missed a step. 
  • Be active in my community by attending protests, marches, and community events that align with my values and beliefs. I went to the local women's rally January 21st; it inspired me to get active.


  • Try new vegan recipes. This may seem weird but cooking has saved me. Cooking a meal is an accomplishment for someone like me who's always hated cooking. When I cook a meal and I see my finished product, I'm so proud of myself. It just reminds me that this time or period in my life will pass. Uncertainty can be scary, just try not to give into the fears. 
  • Attend conferences and networking events. I've always wanted to attend more local networking events but couldn't because I worked full time. Now that I have the time, I've decided to put all the upcoming events that interest me on my calendar. I'm attending at least 4-5 a month. This is a lot for an introvert like me, but it's a good way for me to get out of my head and make some new contacts. Next week I'm attending the Women on the Run workshop, hosted by the Women's Foundation of Palm Beach County. The workshop prepares women to run for public office. I'm not certain if I'll run for a public office, but I'm know it's a goal I'd love to help other women achieve. 

I'm trying to do whatever I can, within reason, to remain engaged and not lose faith. Pessimistic feelings are so easy to give into when battling uncertainty. Wish me luck!

How do you deal with uncertainty in your life? What tips can you share to help me stay in a positive state of mind?